New Paintings by Frank Fitzgerald

Fantastic Fungi & Fabulous Florals

“For fungi and flowers the process of growth and development begins under the soil in the dark. The corners of the suburban landscape can be peeled back to reveal fairy tale encounters of a chromatic symphony. These investigations mirror the psychological release that society can experience following a period of solitude and renewal. The intense color saturation of artistic exploration gilds one for the challenges of life. These creative experiences can rise to the level of mystic transcendence. My wish is that the work conveys feelings of great happiness and joyful excitement.” —- Frank Fitzgerald

All of the art in Frank’s Blue Moon Collection is available for purchase.

Send inquiries to or text 224-388-7948.

Frank Fitzgerald

“This surreal figurative series of paintings have at their center a relationship to the landscape of the Chicagoland suburbs.  Each work encompasses a gestural and tactile response to my years as an artist and educator in the Midwest suburban landscape. The paintings are realized in the traditional medium of oil painting using a variety of techniques ranging from layers with under painting to thicker more gestural application of paint. My painting blends occasions of costuming and artifice with the flora of a manicured suburban nature. Creative play is revealed through personal symbols providing entrance into the theater of my canvases.”

All of the art in Frank’s Blue Moon Collection is available for purchase.

Send inquiries to or text 224-388-7948.


Maureen Ivy Fisher | Affiliate Artist | Fiber


Christine Graf | Affiliate Artist | Collage