Jaynanne Ridder

There is a "magic" in creating art! Artists feel strongly that we have been given a gift of translating what we see and feel to our canvases. Landscapes, sunsets and florals are recurring themes in my artwork. I paint with a vibrant representational style, with a touch of abstraction at times.

Learn more about Jaynanne’s inspiration, philosophy, and history as a painter in this wonderful ArtBeat article!

All of the art in Jaynanne’s Blue Moon Collection is available for purchase.

Send inquiries to kendra@thebluemoongallery.com or text 224-388-7948

Acrylic Paintings by Jaynanne Ridder

Jaynanne’s dramatic paintings of breathtaking sunsets, desert vistas, morning day break, and both land and seascapes bring captivating and peaceful serenity to your home and work spaces.

Known for vivid colors and attention to detail, Jaynanne’s paintings offer traditional and lasting beauty.


Paul Pinzarrone | Affiliate Artist | Digital Photography


Les Scott | Affiliate Artist | Scratchboard