Matthew Padilla

Matthew Padilla, a Chicago-area resident, is originally from Santa Fe NM, where he was immersed in the world of Fine Art from a young age.  After graduating from the University of Chicago, Matthew established himself professionally within the world of computer coding and software design.  However, Fine Art was and is his true calling and as such he acquired formal education as an artist at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, supplemented by work with various private instructors. 

Today Matthew works out of his art studio in the Chicago area, where he paints, draws, and advances his work as an artist.

“I am interested, primarily, in geometry, the human form, and the human form’s capacity for abstraction.  It’s mostly futile for me to try to imagine how each piece will turn out.  I start with a basic idea, often utilizing phi, the “golden ratio”, to lay out the canvas, but then distance myself, in a way, and watch the piece develop itself.  There’s no limit, really, to the amount of work that can be done in this way.”

Matthew’s current body of work is a continuation of this exploration of the human figure and its relationship to geometric abstraction.  He is drawn toward larger canvases, and enjoys the effect produced by vibrant color.  His inspiration is derived, first and foremost, from the human figure, but the figure itself, each pose, quickly yields inspiration for the inclusion of geometric consideration and abstraction. 

It is his hope that the viewer will be left with an increased appreciation for not only the human form, but for the beauty that can and does arise when this form is considered from the perspective of symmetry, geometry, and controlled abstraction.

All of the art in Matthew’s Blue Moon Collection is available for purchase.

Send inquiries to or text 224-388-7948.

Matthew’s Art Studio


Ginny Krueger | Collective Artist | Encaustic & Water Media


Kristin Ashley | Affiliate Artist | Montage